Back to school

To all the mums out there…remember, u are amazing just for being there for ur shouldnt matter what lunch u give ur kids or where u bought their stationery shouldnt matter wat car theyre dropped off to school in or whether they walk back home from school or come home with transport.

What matters is that we love them.we wake up every morning to send them off and we tirelessly support them throughout the year.

Dont let social media make u feel like you are not worthy enough or that you’re a bad mum because you dont spend hours taking pics of ur fancy lunch boxes/lunch snacks.

Join the simple mum revolution and #noextravagantschoollunchrevolution because you are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for…

The loner ..

Dont ever rely on others for anything…

People disappoint and throw things in your face…

Learn to be self sufficient and independant…

It is only the Almighty who has mercy and grace…

There is so much of anger building inside her…

So much of hurt anger and frustration…

She is exhausted so tired of everything…

Tired of misunderstanding and miscommunication…

She wishes to disappear and to not ever be seen…

She wishes not to be heard or spoken to again…

Her heart hurts so much all the time…

And she cant seem to remember when it all began…

Its been this way for years and years..

And she knows it may never come to an end…

Theres no hope left for her for love for friendship…

Its so sickening how hatred is all they send …

But the day she will leave this world forever..

They will all begin to talk in her honour…

‘Oh what a wonderful soul i knew her so well…’

But infact all she was was a loner…

Noone knew how much of pain she was in…

Because her smile was always there for show…

‘She was always smiling so happy so kind’…

This is what they thought of her but What did they know…

Is she worthless?

She tries so hard at everything she does

But gets no appreciation at all…

Shes always criticized for the littlest of things

So shes up everytym she must fall…

She doesnt seek to be like them all

To be their idea of perfection…

All she wants it to not be used

To be looked up to for her determination…

It is said to love oneself in order for others to love you

But the more she loves herself the more she is brought down by those around

She keeps to herself so not to get hurt

But they always find a way to bring her to the ground…

She wished to just live peacefully without any pain

She stays far away from every human and their expectations…

But day after day she is hurt and betrayed

She is made to feel more worthless than all of the nations…

When will this pain end and when will she be enough?

She knows there are others suffering the same…

She wishes to connect with them and let them know

That they are and always will be more than just a name…

Keep ur head up really high

And everytime thwy make u fall…

Get up and start over

Over and over and always stand tall

my take on respecting your elders

“respect your elders” is a phrase we are often told.. amongst others like…

“dont talk to me like that…im older than you”

“i can do what i want to because im older”

“you owe it to me because im elder than you are”

fair enough…respect ur elders is what islam teaches…but its our indian mentality that leads us to believe that thats all that matters…

we forget that islam teaches us to also respect those younger than us.

we wonder howcome the youth have gone astray? its because we show so little respect to them. all that matters is what we say and what we want and we never give them the opportunities they deserve.

we talk to those younger than us however we feel like but then expect respect in return?how exactly does that work?

we allowed to insult, ridicule, swear and belittle the youth whenever we want but then expect them to respect us because we are ‘older’.

we are expected to tolerate the elderly and have patients…but they cannot tolerate us?they cannot tolerate our ideas or our ways…

majority of the indian community believe that anything an elderly person says is correct…regardless of logic and regardless of what islam actually teaches. it must be stopped.

the elderly are NOT always right… and the young are NOT always at fault… 

its not only the elderly that have gone through so much in life.. todays youth also have gone through alot. 

some yourh are far more wise and mature than alot of elderly ppl. 

its something thats been bugging me for ages and needed to be said…

what are your thoughts?

marriage conference 2017

​assalamu alaykum/peace to one and all

if youve been following me for a while, you would know that last year round about this time there were a couple of posts regarding the marriage conference that was coming up at the sandton convention centre.

this year its back again and probably for the last time in johannesburg. its much bigger and far better than it was last year with a whole load of extra items added to the itenary.

im usually not one to attend seminars and conferences etc but since i was involved last year, i attended the conference and id like you all to know that i dont regret it in the least.

it was by far an amazing experience. the amount learnt in just that oneday was unbelievable. the speakers were phenomenal and the things they brought to light touched my heart in a way il never be able to express.

although there were thousands of people, it was as if the speakers were speaking directly to me. 

whether you are already married, divorced, widowed, a single parent, looking to get married or have been married for years… theres so much to learn for every category of people.

marriage is a sunnah of our beloved nabi sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam. it completes half our faith, however its no secret how many of our muslim marriages are failing today and the number is increasing everyday. attending the marriage conference will not only help you better ur marriage, but will teach you about your own self as it has taught me about myself.

as a married person, we often want to change our spouse when the problem actually lies within ourselves. we cannot change another person but we can change our outlook on things. we can learn who we really are. and if there was one lesson that i brought home last year…it is this!

so if you missed out last year… you have one more opportunity to attend this year…

the marriage conference 2017 will inshallah be held on the 22 july 2017 at the sandton convention centre.

theres a whole lot to look forward to such as inspirational talks, an expo, ilm arts festival, youth zone, kids zone and the list goes on.

follow me on instagram for more updates regarding what the line up will be like… INSTA @dvinetreats

to book your tickets, there are different prices for different tickets and all onfo may be found on the following link…

or to view a snippet of last years program, feel free to click on this link….

hope to see you all there as there will also be a bloggers corner….

hurry and book your tickets before they are sold out!!!!


bibi ayesha


Is there ever really a thing called love? Or is it something imaginary..

If there is…how do you get love? 

I think it doesnt exist…because if it does… why are some deprived of it while others have it in abundance?

Love is far fetched.

i wonder if il ever know what it feels like to be loved… truly, madly, deeply…

giving your life for someone clearly doesnt bring you love..

respecting someone doesnt giv you love…

sacrificing and having patience doesnt give you love…

effort doesnt give you love…

so what does?

does it make you feel whole? Complete?

marriage definitely doesnt give you love…

marriage is just convenience for the one and torture and oppression to the other..

or am i understanding it wrong.

are there others that feel the way i do?

or is it just me in the entire world that has this all wrong?i have tried everything to feel loved… but i still dont feel it.

Maybe i should stop trying and it will find me…

or maybe i should just stop expecting love completely…

hurt is definitely real…

pain is real

betrayal and mistrust is real…

but love?

its imaginary…

The nights

it may hurt the most at night….

The loneliness will catch up with you.

Its the time when families are sitting around and having their ‘time’ while you are left alone with your thoughts.

When everyone is asleep and you have to lay alone with your heart aches… knowing that not a soul can take your pain away.. no one can feel your pain. No one understanda how hard it might be. But its okay…

Nothing…. not even heartache and difficulty lasts forever. Eventually it will pass and better things will open up.

Its in those times we need to pour our hearts out to Allah for only He will ever understand. 

We dont follow His rules and laws… His open commands… yet He is always there for us.

He loves us u conditionally and rewards us when we dont deserve.

As hard as it may be… even though we are at our lowest…. be strong… get up and pray… our prayers will be answered when we cry to him at night.

Because in His eyes… its more than okay to cry… its more than okay to show how weak and vulnerable we are. He will never judge us or take avantage of us.

Be strong at night…

Pray at night…

Cry to Him at night…

And hope for the greatest at night….

The stillness is a blessing… not a punishment

its okay to cry…

You dont always have to be strong… you dont always have to pretend to the world that everything is okay when its not..

You dont hAve to always have a smiling face…

You are allowed to let loose..allowed to cry… it shows that you are human… that you feel emotion.. that you feel pain.

Crying is a step towards recovery.

It takes the weight off your shoulders and makes you feel lighter.

Enough of suffering in silence.. enough of pretending that you have a perfect and normal life… when you dont. When your life has been nothing but misery.

You have been betrayed, hurt, abused, degraded, belittled, slandered, oppressed…

Those are things that are bound to make you hurt..

Pain makes us stronger.

Difficulties mould us into who we will be.

Downhills eventually take you to better places ..

A person who goes through difficulty learns from life. Becomes wiser and can face anything.

Cry if you must but lift your head up again and move forward.

No one is worth your life or your pain.

Any person who hurts you, was never meant to be with you in the first place.

You will find your happiness within yourself.. not in anyone else.

Nothing you have ever done goes unnoticed in the eyes of Allah.

Allah rewards every single deed.

Be patient for the good times are only beginning.

Its time to say goodbye to hardship and pain.

Let others call you selfish but you have wasted far too much time being selfless.

Its time to care for yourself. Love yourself. Pick yourself up and finally be happy

you are worth so much more

To every human being out there in the world……

To every woman who has ever been oppressed, abused….whether emotionally, physically, verbally…. i feel your pain.

You are hurting and feel stuck…almost as if u are lost in a maze… it frustrates you to the point where you want to pull your hair out…. why is there no way out?

But there is….there always has been… but we are too afraid to take that route…

Afraid of what people might say…

Afraid of the loneliness…

Afraid that you will regret your choices in life..

Afraid that you will be looked down upon…

Afraid of being rejected…

Afraid of not being able to support yourself…

Stop being afraid…

Your future…your happiness….depends on you and only you..

No-one can or will control you.. you will always be incharge of your own happiness.

If you have to fight for someones love and tespect…then their love and respect is not worthy of you.

You deserve better and you will get better.

Leave before its too late.

Nobody is suffering your pain.. no one is lying in bed beside you and comforting your soul.

Today make that decision and stand by it. Be firm that this is what you need.

That you will no longer stand for the abuse…you will not be belittled… you will not take anyones disrespect.

Leave and make yourself happy. Because Allah watches all. He sees the injustice done to you… He is the only one who sees your pain. And He is the only one who will relieve your pain.

Justice will be served.. they will suffer the consequences of their actions. If not in this world, then in the hereafter.

Allah is Most Just!

If Allah rewards us for even the agony from a thorn prick, what then wont he give us for all the oppression, injustice and abuse we have undergone.

My dear sister….you are never alone…

There are so many who are suffering just like you…but together we can help eachother. Ofcourse with none other than the assistance of Allah.

Dont allow yourself to reach the stage that i have…my tears have run dry…my emotions have died completely. I have died completely inside…

But as of today…i choose to be reborn. I will be free inshallah… i will love only those who love me… i will care only about those who care for me…i will do what pleases me(within the confines of what pleases Allah)..

I am what matters…

You my dear sister is what matters.

You have always mattered…

Just because some insecure and immature human has brain washed you to believe that you are nothing…it doesnt mean that its true…

You are a precious life… you are beautiful with all your faults… you should be loved for who you are…not for who they want you to be…

No more tears my dear sister…no more heartaches my dear sister….no more regrets…no more fears…

Just love…happiness…contentment and peace!

You are not alone….
